Chase the Weasel
by Chase Spergen 

All around the Crunchberry bowl
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought it was
fuckin’ funny
until “POP!” goes the weasel!

The fucking weasel exploded,
I’m not kidding.
It was fuckin’ raunchy.

Up and down the hallway stairs
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey liked to give ‘im a scare
then “POP!” went the weasel.

Goddammit monkey!
Quit chasing those weasels!
There’s no way we’re getting the security deposit back now.
Christ on a bike!

Back and forth in front of the T.V.
the monkey chased the weasel.
And just before the start of the O.C.
“POP!” goes the weasel!

It’s like Vietnam in here!
You think I’m going to be able to convince girls
that “Weasel Gore” was a wallpapering option?
You’re on thin, thin fucking ice, monkey.

Through the day and all through the night
the monkey chased the weasel.
The weasel he did put up a good fight
but still, “POP!” went the weasel.

All around the goddamned house
Chase, he chased the monkey.
He’d teach that ape to mess up his pad…
then “POP!” goes the weasel!


That’s it, I give up! Do what you want monkey.

Hey, don’t give me that sad face.
Okay, okay, you’re still my buddy.
Come to think of it, we do seem to have
a pretty bad weasel infestation in this place.

Probably a good thing I’ve got a monkey, actually.

Lucky Lucy slapped a goose, slapped so hard his beak was loose. But Bruce and Luce they called truce, and drank a can of blue moose juice. The goose he drank it through a sluice.

Radiation Plantation
“Radiation Plantation,” I spoke the information. “Scott?” Scott blew snot on a pink carnation. “Ready the gammaram, and prepare for floatation.” “Aye aye, captian,” he replied as he spied a crustacean.

The Insomnia of Ransom Ripple
Ransom Ripple’s twisted nipples kept him from his sleep. The night was long, as Ransom’s thong straight up his ass would creep.