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Dolphin Heaven Well, looks like we’re still bombing the Iraqis out of the Stone Age and back to whatever the hell came before that, when all the stones were blown up and everything was on fire. Serves ‘em right for living in the desert though. I lived in the desert outside of Albuquerque once and there were always rednecks out there blowing shit up. Usually it was road signs and small animals and the like, but Iraq’s a bigger desert so it stands to reason the rednecks would think bigger. I was driving up the road the other day when I came up on a man who was standing half in the street, yelling at no one in particular. At first I thought he was yelling at me, but a quick check of my person confirmed that I was wearing nothing more offensive than an L.L. Bean dress shirt. Even if I had been wearing a novelty shirt stating “SHUT UP, BITCH” or other such amusing obscenity, it would have been hard for him to spy that in an oncoming car quickly enough to take offense and express it verbally. I thought the guy was just crazy until I realized he had one of those ear-bud cell phone things in his ear and he was yelling at his stockbroker or his concubine or whoever. This got me thinking. I predict that cell phones will eventually get so small that we’ll have problems with scores of people being committed to mental hospitals for yelling out grocery lists in public and hearing “voices.” And personally, I can’t wait. I hate those damned phones. And their damned operators. Looks like those silly sons of bitches that blew up the U.S.S. Cole Porter escaped from jail again. Just goes to show what I’ve been saying all along: the honor system is great and may work in certain isolated kindergarten classrooms, but jails need real locks, real fast. Some people just don’t take to shaming like they should, and lines painted on the floor don’t work like they used to. Sad but true. Contrary to what the previous paragraph might indicate, the biggest news this week is that absolutely nothing is happening in the world outside of Iraq. Nada. Zip. Nothing. Open up the paper and it’s all about who blew up what where in Iraq and who might be dead but we’ll never be sure and what kinds of cookies Iraqis like to bake. Who knew that dusty-assed place was so interesting? It just goes to show that nothing works wonders for your public visibility like being invaded. It’s like when Poland’s PR guys paid Germany to invade them back in the 1930’s. Sure, some churches got blown up, but like magic Poland was back on the map again. Previous to that people were forgetting the country even existed, it was just some smudge on the map where trains got lost. Apparently there is a bit of news in the dolphin world, however. Seems that El Presidente wanted to roll back the rules on what kind of tuna can be labeled “dolphin safe” or not. I know, like the president doesn’t have better things to do than fuck with dolphins. I don’t know what his problem is, but he’s always struck me as a strange man. Anyhow, current rules state that you can’t label tuna “dolphin safe” if you go so berserk while trying to catch fish that you machete or blow up any dolphins with grenades or you run any down with a speedboat just for fun. I believe there were also provisions for machine-gunning or hanging dolphins, somewhere in the fine print. Seems fair enough to me. The president wanted to change it so you could call the tuna “dolphin safe” as long as any of the dolphins you decapitated or blended into a milkshake went to dolphin heaven, where they’d theoretically be safe. The environmentalists thought this was so much dolphin shit so they sued. And won while they were at it. I guess there’s less legal precedent for the concept of “dolphin heaven” than many assumed. But I don’t know, it sounds kind of nice to me.
Attack of the Crazy Violence Women |