Vegas is heaven for the plain Czech. "Can you believe I get fashion advice
from a burst of cheerful sunflowers?" he asked me upon arriving. "We
brought the outside indoors by having gallons of clean gasoline sloshing
around inside a giant plexiglass dolphin," he explained, showing me around
the lobby. "Jesus Christ," I thought. "No wonder these things get stuck
in tuna nets." I took my leave of him while he was riveting fresh ideas to
the banister. "Genius," said a little person who was pissing on the wet
bar. "I feel it in my related pieces." His image fuzzed by white smoke,
I took him for a pauper and gobbled him down with jalapenos.
Your mettle will be tested, when the stainless steal. Try again later.
1979: A young Omar Bricks writes the first incarnation of what will
eventually become his “My Friend Polio” column, originally titled “Why I Peed in the
Water Fountain.”
Now Hiring
Web Site Designer. Must have little to no professional experience, critical eye, delusions of
grandeur, and think every current website sucks big ass compared to own Helmet fan page
with FAQ. Starting pay of $90k to $250k, based on sheer swagger. Position will replace
current asshole Neal, who should be finding out about this… just about… now.
Best Selling Albums
1. |
Come On
Britney Spears
2. |
I Keep Returning Like Freddy Krueger
3. |
Passable Generic Metal
4. |
Farting to Critical Raves
5. |

Copyright © 2002 the.commune Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is likely to piss off her dad big-time.

Fortune 7
It speaks elegantly about you, yet barely whispers. That's right, Montana.
Fortune 6
I present to you, the King of throw-away island. Slicing a trench into the past, dogwoods spread their sprays like drifting clouds, the most wasteful member of the tree family.
Fortune 5
Growing up with snowflake, one learned to drink their sap in the morning.


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