Chapter Nine, Dallas 3
By Daleman

After the earthquake tremors subsided and his guests recovered, Glitterroch allowed the group to take their seats around the large conference table that was the centerpiece of the room before continuing his presentation.

"As you all well know, the Earth's land masses have stayed mostly constant in size for literally thousands of years and yet the population continues grow. Good land is becoming increasingly more difficult to find, or in the case of Yugoslavia, keep. I created this island paradise in minutes right under the noses of the US government for practically pennies. My scientists have created a machine called "The Guinness Device" which can create perfect land masses in minutes."

Xigeous asked "Don't you mean "The Genesis Device"?"

"NO YOU IDIOT!" Shouted Glitterroch, obviously annoyed at the interruption. "I called it Guinness because I came up with the idea while hammered in a pub. Now as I was saying, with this device I'll create perfect islands or continents for people who tire from living elsewhere. We can create custom islands for people where ever they like it. If they like it hot, we'll place it near the equator. Colder? Well built it closer to the poles. If they want perfect weather and don't mind the smog, we'll drop it west of Los Angeles."

Grey Zombie was awestruck. Could such technology exist? He couldn't deny the fact that they were on an island that didn't exist three days ago. But could Glitterroch produce these at will? What would the ramifications of international law be? Could he still get cable or would he have to finally upgrade to satellite TV?

"At first we'll only produce small, private islands of, say, twenty to fifty acres for the super rich. Soon a bidding war will start, as one tries to out do the other for the biggest and best island paradise and choice locations. Then we'll open up the bidding to corporations. Think about this, how much would a multinational corporation pay for a thousand square miles of land where they can build any plant they want without having to paying taxes, follow environmental guidelines or government regulations?"

The realization of the scope of this plan suddenly hit Lanzman. "This is incredible! Disney would pay a fortune for private islands in every sea. They could build unbelievable theme parks and resorts and charge fortunes to stay there. It would be just like that Jurassic Park movie."

"Small potatoes you moron, and by the way, nice cape. We'll have a total monopoly on the oceans of the world. My team has already contacted the twenty richest individuals in the world to start the ball rolling. Bill Gates is already planning on moving the entire Microsoft corporation off shore to prevent the breakup and to get around the minimum wage laws." Glitterroch paused a moment to let the reality of the plan sink in. "You'll also must have noticed the weather systems I have protecting my island. This is another perk that comes with the purchase at no additional charge. Total weather control. If it's to hot for you, you can dial up partly cloudy skies. Your plant life or crops are drying out? Order a rain storm. Mother in law coming to visit? Sorry mom but we are being hit with a hurricane right now, how about next month?"

"And now it's time you met my partners in this endeavor. First, the financial genius of the Guinness project. He's handling all the price negotiations and our going public next month. Let me introduce you to Dale DaMann."

All eyes in the room turn as one in the direction that Glitterroch gestured. Behind a previously unnoticed beautiful mahogany desk topped with three computers and papers thrown everywhere stood a short, pudgy man with boyish good looks. His somewhat nerdy appearance was enhanced by the phone headset still in place. He grinned with his hands on his hips as he looked over the group of visitors.

"Welcome to the future of." DaMann said as he walked around the desk until the cord to his headset jerked his head back. The headset was ripped off his head and he lost his balance but caught himself on the corner of the magnificent desk. Suddenly humbled, Dale righted himself and took the seat at the far end of the conference table.

"Nice entrance idiot! Way to make me look good." Quipped Glitterroch sarcastically. "And now, the true brains and driving force behind the project. She's been working covertly on this for years using all the resources at her disposal and stealing the best scientists away from worthless projects like global warming. I don't believe any introductions are needed this time."

The door that the group had previously entered opened again and in walks the first lady of the United States followed by her aids. Grey Zombie realized the complications of his mission have just increased tenfold.

"Ladies. Gentlemen. I do hope your enjoying our hospitality. I assume that Glitterroch has explained our little scenario. As you can see, I've made good use of all that legal defense fund money that came in." the first lady said.

The four visitors to the island sat quietly deep in their own thoughts, each contemplating possible ramifications to the plan. Lianna was the first to speak. "Wait a minute, how is this plan going to effect the environment? Wouldn't filling the oceans with islands cause unbelievable damage? The ocean levels would rise, global temperatures would increase, ice caps would melt, sea life would die off and my ocean front property would be worthless!"

"All true." Glitterroch replied. "Next question?"

Xigeous asked, "What happened to your accent?"


Cyber Beast hung by his fingertips in the ductwork peering through the grating secretly listening to the entire conversation not believing his ears. Can these madmen honestly believe that they'll get away with this insanity? Will they be able to stop them? How much would fifty acres off Seattle cost?