Chapter Seven-Annie Annie Oxinfree
By BuckFifty

Cyber and Gray spoke at the same time, "I know that voice!"

"LISA WHELCHEL!" cried Cyberbeast.

"Vic Tayback!" exclaimed Gray Zombie.

"Any idea where the facilities are?" asked Dr Xigeous. "Heh heh heh. Need to drain the L'il Scientist."

"What the hell?!?!?" yelled a frustrated Lianna.

"Nevermind," said Dr Xig. "I'll find it myself."

"Sorry." offered Cyber, "Facts of Life marathon on Nick at Night last week."

"Um... I, uh, just thought it sounded like Vic Tayback." explained Gray.

A soft, booming chuckle filled the room. "Wrong on both counts my intrepid would be heroes. But there will be time enough for answers later. If I'm not mistaken, there's the dessert cart, and Enapov's Clare de Lune is not to be missed."

"So it's not Vic Tayback?" asked a confused Gray. With a heavy sigh, Lianna leveled a mighty cuff to the back of Gray's head.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Quickly Dr Xigeous made his way down the hall. 'Hmmmm, these areas are sparsely decorated' he thought to himself. 'Some Xeric ilex growths, (XIG-cactus), would spruce things up. Now where is that bathroom?'

After a few more moments of walking, Dr Xig finally discovered a door in the otherwise deserted hallway. 'FINALLY.' Just before turning the doorknob, Dr Xig thought he heard a voice on the other side of the door. He put his ear next to the cold wood.

"Please god, kill me."

Slowly, Dr Xig inched the door open. A disturbing scene unfolded before his eyes.

Strapped, sitting up in a chair, was super secret Canajun agent, BuckFifty, who, according to the grapevine, and the gals in the typing pool, had been missing for the past week. Sitting in front of the obviously frantic Canadian, was a lithe woman with tight red curls framing her face. "Now Mr Fifty, this can all end if you'll just share a few NORAD secrets with us."

"Pah! I'll never spill my guts to the likes of you!"

"Speaking of spilling..." with that, the woman, who seemed eerily familiar to Dr Xig, took up a bottle of maple syrup and slowly poured it into a sink located in the back of the room.

"GAH! SOULESS WENCH!" cried BuckFifty. "You'll die a thousand times for every maple tree that had to be staked for that bottle of syrup."

A smirk slowly crossed the face of the woman. "I see one more viewing of the movie is in order."

Dr Xig saw absolute horror creep into the agent's eyes.

"You wouldn't dare! Dear God... NOOOOOOOOO..."

Like a bolt of lightning had crashed into his skull, Dr Xig remembered where he had seen the lithe woman before. She was Aileen Quinn... aka, Little Orphan Annie!

Aileen reached behind her, took up a remote control and pressed a button. Static flickered to life on the viewscreen on the side wall of the room.

o/~ Oh the sun'll come out, tomorrow...~/o

Thrashing against his restraints, BuckFifty cried out "KILL MEEEEEEEEE!!!"

Dr Xig let out an audible gasp at the disturbing sight before him. Aileen turned around and saw the good doctor. "And who do we have here, hmmm?" she asked.

'Oh shit' thought Dr Xig. 'Time to beat cheeks outta here.'


Cyberbeast wiped the remaining watermelon from his face. "I can honestly say I wasn't aware of Gallagher's infulence in Clare de Lune."

Enapov shot him a sly smile, "Remember, I offered you a rain poncho, but you didn't want it."

Cyberbeast, Lianna, Gray Zombie and Lanzman, the rest of the Scooby gang, had just enjoyed a delightful dessert of beaver tails and floor show when Dr Xigeous burst breathless back into the room.

"Where you been Doc?" asked Lianna.

The frantic Dr Xig could only offer, "*gasp*... Annie... Maple Syrup... *hock*... BuckFifty..."

"Canadian Agent BuckFifty spit up maple syrup while watching Annie?" queried Gray Zombie. "Heh heh heh, yeah, Carol Burnett gets me going every time too..."

Yet another sigh and another of Lianna's slaps connected with Gray's head.

Lanzman stood up, cape billowing in the wind (huh?), and exclaimed "Super Secret Canadian Agent BuckFifty is being held by Aileen Quinn? And is being forced to watch maple syrup being wasted and Annie over and over again if he doesn't offer up NORAD secrets?"

Slowly, five heads turned and looked directly at Lanzman. Lanzman shrugged his shoulders. "What? Why are you all looking at me?"

A voice new to the room said, "A very good guess wanna be hero. Care to join him?" Aileen had finally arrived.

"WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" shouted Dr Xig as he took up a XIG-Bead from his watch and launched it at the former curly haired cherub.

Gas filled the room as Cyberbeast lept clear of the others and aimed the XIG-Gun at the closest wall.


Barrelling through the newly formed gap in the wall, Cyberbeast let out a rallying cry, "EVERYONE, FOLLOW ME!!!", obviously forgetting that only he could see through the gas of the XIG-Beads. He stopped as he cleared the shredded metal and heard a loud *CLANK*. Slowly he turned around... and saw that there was no longer a hole...a blast wall had been lowered over the opening...trapping the others inside...

-End of Chapter

Will Cyberbeast be able to rescue the rest of the Scooby Gang?
What is Aileen Quinn's dark agenda?
What the hell's up with Gray and Vic Tayback anyways?
Beats the shit outta me, I ain't writing the next chapter.