Chapter Eleven
By Amon

"..And that's the way the vision ended," SpydieGirl said, leaning back in the big red comfy chair.

"Hmm. very interesting," said Rich Filthy, her manager. "You know what I think? I think you're getting a little stressed. I think you need a nice vacation away from civilization. And I know the perfect place." He suddenly burst out in a fit of evil laughter. "Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! MWA_ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. HA!"

"Umm, what's so funny, Rich?" Spydie asked.

"Oh, umm. nothing," Rich Filthy said, composing himself. "I was just thinking of a Family Circus cartoon I saw earlier. That Billy. Cracks me up every time."

"Oh," said SpydieGirl. "So, tell me about this place you have in mind."

"OK. Just a second while I reflect for the readers at home." *Rich Filthy reflected upon how he found out about the island that the evil genius Glitterroch had created. He had been an alternate, seeing as how he was the twenty-first richest person in the world. Rich Filthy was a band manager/oil magnate/day trader/Amway salesman. The eighteenth richest person was unable to fulfill his duties, therefore, Rich Filthy moved up to the twentieth position. And THAT is how he found out about the evil genius Glitterroch and his island.*

"All right. I'm done reflecting. The place I was talking about is an island out in the Pacific Ocean. It's a quaint little place. Whatta ya say?"

"Well, it sounds good to me. When do I leave for this island paradise?"

"Well, I have a plane right outside. No time like the present, right?"

Spydie walked out to the small Cessna airplane that waited for her. As she boarded the plane, the pilot handed her a Coke. *That's weird* she thought to herself. Before long, she found herself flying over the Pacific Ocean. With a Coke in her hand.

"We're almost there," the pilot called over the engines. "I'm supposed to give you a few things. Here." He tossed an umbrella, a small bag and an aerosol can to her.

"What's this stuff?" she asked.

"Well, the umbrella is for you because I forgot a parachute. The bag is a change of clothes and a ukulele, and the aerosol can is Bat- Shark Repellant," he answered. "Oh, and I got some bad news and some worse news. The bad news is that I can't drop you off on the island."

"Why not? And I play guitar. What's with a ukulele?" Spydie asked, a puzzled look on her face.

"A guitar won't fit in that bag. As for dropping you off, I don't know. I'm just a minor character, and I don't have to know things like that. The worse news is that since I can't drop you off on the island, I am going to have to drop you off in the heavily shark- infested waters about thirty miles away from the island. But when you're in the water, don't swim anywhere. Just stay there. The island is on its way toward you. It should get there in about ten minutes. When it gets there, remember to jump, or you'll get squashed. Got all that?"

"I guess I know what the shark repellant and the change of clothes are for now." She gathered her things, and made her way toward the airplane's hatch. "You know," she hollered over the rush of air, "for a minor character, you sure have a lot of lines." And with that, she jumped out of the plane and opened the umbrella, and slowly descended to the water's surface, drinking her Coke on the way down.

*Back on Glitterroch's Isle*

Dr. Xigeous listened with feigned interest as Glitterroch and the First Lady finished their tale of world domination. "You know," he said after a yawn, "you're not the only creative genius." He stood up, reached in his pocket and tossed Glitterroch a pair of glasses. "Rubber nose and glasses?" Glitterroch asked curiously. "Ah hate tu tell you thisss, Dr., but ah due believe that these have already been invented."

"No, no, try them on," Xigeous urged.

Glitterroch slipped the glasses on, picked up the cigar that Xigeous had conveniently placed on the table by him, and turned toward his guests. "Well, well, well, Mr. Gray! I'm surprised your mother lets you out of the house with no underwear!"

Gray crossed his legs, not wanting to attract any more attention to himself.

*Oh, shit* Lianna thought.

"And Miss Lianna," he said, wiggling the cigar in front of him, "X- Men Underoos? That is a *very* interesting look."

He then turned toward Lanzanelli. "And Mr. Lanz. Those are the doitiest underwear I ever seen!"

Lanz looked sheepishly at his comrades as they slowly pushed their seats away.

Glitterroch took off the glasses, and turned back toward Xigeous. "Ah'm amazed!" he exclaimed.

"Amazed, I'll say," Dale Damann followed.

"What can I say, I'm amazed!" finished Enapov.

"I call them XIG-glasses. X-ray Imitating Groucho-glasses," Xigeous said, retrieving the glasses. "I still haven't found a practical use for them, though. So, what do you think? Think I could help you out on your plan to conquer the world?"

"NO!" Glitterroch, Dale, Enapov, the First Lady and all her security guards called out in unison.

*Meanwhile, IN the Pacific Ocean*

"OK, here it comes. Get ready, and. JUMP!" Spydie found herself sprawled on the beach. She got up, and brushed the sand off. "Look at this! I'm soaked! It's a good thing I got this change of clothes." Spydie grabbed hold of her t-shirt and pulled


it down over her wiast. "That's much better. Nothing like dry clothes after a swim in the ocean." She picked up the ukulele, and after tuning it, started walking down a path, singing. "There's a little grass shack, sitting by the water. A little grass shack."

*In Glitterroch's board room*

Gray thought about what he had heard with the First Lady. *No, this can't be her,* he thought to himself. *Everyone knows that she has no political ambition.*

"Well, Mrs. Clinton, ah think it iss about tom to poot Plan Two into action, don't ye agree?" asked Glitterroch.

"Yes. With me on your side, you will have nothing to fear," she said, and turned and left.

*Brief pause to allow the First Lady to leave the stronghold*

"I've never heard of you before, Mr. Glitterroch," Lianna finally said. "And I pride myself on knowing things like this. How is it that I have never heard of you before?"

"Well, ye see, Lass, it's lach this." He stood up and reached to the back of his head, and grabbed at a piece of velcro. "It's because ah em not Glitterroch. Ah em really. Amon! Ha-HA! Fooled you!"

"Wait a minute," Dale said, standing up. "Are you trying to tell me that you are really Amon?! Well, I don't believe it. Why? Because *I* am Amon!" he said, pulling his mask off.

"Oh no you're not. Everyone knows that no one can play Clare de Lune like Amon!" she exclaimed, pulling her mask off to reveal that she, too, was Amon.

"OK. This is getting ridiculous!" Lanzman said. "There is no way that you can ALL be Amon. Because *I* am!" He, too, pulled off his mask. Xigeous, Lianna and Gray turned and looked at each other. Shrugging, they pulled the masks off their heads, revealing that they were also Amon.

Cyberbeast looked down from his precarious position, checking out the plethera of Amons in the room. "One Amon, two Amons, three Amons four. Five Amons, six Amons, seven Amons more!" he sang to himself. It was at this point that SpydieGirl entered the room. *She had found the elevator and took it to the main deck. Offstage, of course.*

"I don't think this is the vaction I planned on," she said to herself, looking at all the Amons in the room.

"Well, THIS is certainly odd," the Amon formerly known as Glitterroch finally said. "We can't ALL be Amon." He reached behind his head, and found another velcro strap, and pulled off the Amon mask, to become Glitterroch again. "Ach! All right, everyone, tra tu pool the Amon mask off of yoo." He watched as all the Amons pulled their masks off, revealing them to be who they were when they first entered the room. All except Lianna.

"So, Lianna. Oor shood ah call yoo Amon!"

"Not so fast, Glitterroch. Everyone knows that Amon wouldn't be caught dead in X-Men Underoos!" she said triumphantly, pulling the mask off her head.

"Well, that was certainly strange," Lanz finally said. "That was like some pathetic plea for attention or something."

Cyberbeast looked down at the scene that just happened. "That was strange," he said to himself. He glanced up to check out his grip, and saw a spider. Letting out a whimper, he pulled his hand away and fell on the table in the room, his 600 pound metallic body smashing the table to splinters.

"Well, pardon the cliché'd line, but thanks for dropping in!" Enapov called out.

Cyberbeast got up and brushed himself off, pulling splinters out of his skin.

Just then, a shout rang from one of the other rooms.


"That sounded like Buck!" Spydie shouted. As the group broke into a run towards the sound of the voice, she cracked, "It's either him or William Wallace, I can't tell. But I'm pretty sure Buck isn't Scottish!"

*These damn visions* she thought to herself. *I'd sure like to know what the volleyball game had to do with this, though.*


What could have caused Buck to cry out like that?

What is the First Lady's dastardly plan to help Glitterroch control the world?

What does Spydie's vision of playing volleyball with Gray's underwear mean?

And just what exactly is Aileen Quinn up to?

All these questions will be answered in the next thrill-packed chapter. Or not.