o/~ Naked beaver is really neat!
He is filled with... um, beaver meat!
We've been eating naaaked beaver!!! ~/o



Hi there everyone! Welcome to my little corner on in the 'web...
where it's the same crap as everyone else, but it's my crap damnit!
This here's a website dedicated to Mystery Science Theater 3000,
more specifically to Caption This!, the BEST time waster on the internet.
So take a peek in and see if there's something you like, which'll
probably be the Caption Gallery. Tons of funny there.

Best viewed with

at 600x800
Deal with it

Honestly, the frames area
looks like crap with Netscape.
I would STRONGLY suggest I.E.

No beavers were injured in the making of this webpage...
but I did scare the living $hit out of a few though!

and Copyright © 1999 Best Brains, Inc.
All the stills in the Caption Gallery are from The SciFi Channel Dominion's Caption This, and since I ain't gettin' paid anything for this, hopefully they, (and the shows portrayed in said stills) won't bitch and moan.

But the beavers are all mine!!! Buahahahahaaaaaaaaaa....

Um, actually, the Beaver and Squirrel you see on this site are taken from Frank Cho's wonderful Liberty Meadows comic strip.
I hope to hell Mr Cho don't sue my monkey ass.